BaCoN - sizzlin' at the Rattlesnake Saloon
BaCoN live im Rattlesnake Saloon am 13 Jan 2019. War das das ein Fest!
6 Musiker, die an dem Abend das erste Mal gemeinsam auf der Bühne standen. Der Saloon war an diesem Abend Zeuge unserer ersten und einzigen "Probe".
Das Trio BaCoN (Backus-Cole-Nolte) holte sich für die Aufnahme noch drei weitere Top Musiker auf die Bühne, von denen wir auch wussten oder zumindest dachten, dass Sie musikalisch und auch menschlich zu uns passen würden: Jim Klopfenstein (Bass), Steiger Mich (Banjo) & Achilles Kuhn (Pedal Steel & E-Guitar) haben unsere Vorstellungen jedoch übertroffen. Was an diesem Abend musikalisch gezaubert wurde ist wirklich hörenswert!
Wir waren auch sehr stolz, dass wir in der letzten Druckausgabe vom Wheel noch sehr positiv über diesen Auftritt berichtet wurde. Dieser Bericht wurde auf der Rückseite der CD auch gedruckt.
Hier nun die Liste der 15 Tracks der CD:
Track Listing: | Bits & Pieces | Don't Say Goodbye | Cotton On My Shoulder | Leave It All Behind | Fake News Make News | Love Ain't Easy | I Ain't Your Milkin' Cow | It's Just Me | I Won't Go Running Again | Women | You Don't Have to Love Me | Should I Try To Find A Girl | It Ain't Nothing Serious | You Won't Be Buggin' Me No More | The Cropduster


Where all the Giants meet
Dieser Song wurde von Jesse Cole und Jeffrey Backus spezifisch für das Gigantentreffen geschrieben. Der Song spiegelt das unvergleichliche Gefühl dieses jährlichen Events wieder; die US-Cars, die Musik, die Leute, den Spaß!
Dieser Song steht bisher nur als Download zur Verfügung. (€1,29)
Hier der Trailer zum reinhören:

Beer, and other influences
Jeffrey Backus
Release date: January 25 2015
Track Listing:
Hell yeah, I like Beer | Family Tradition | In Color | Billy's got his Beer goggles on | Run | Do you want fries with that? | Born to boogie | I don't even know her name | The Greatest | Longneck Bottle | Choices | I love this bar | Yee Haw | It's hard to kiss the lips at night, that chew your ass out all day long | Alcohol | Murder on Music Row | I think I'll just stay here and drink | To make you feel my love | Last thing I needed | Liquor to like her | The End
This CD took me 2 1/2 years to complete. When I first arrived back in Bavaria, I knew, that I would need something new. So I started selecting the right kind of songs I wanted to include. My main aim was to have a selection of songs, that would be different from what all the other artists are performing or recording, and also to reflect who I am. In addition to that I wanted every song to reflect the "theme" or title of the CD.
You Won't Be Buggin' Me No More - Single Release
© Jeffrey Backus
Release date: May 09 2014
Track Listing:
You Won't Be Buggin' Me No More
This Song was long in the making. It was New Years Eve in 1998/1999, my friends Jim Kirby, Paul Fowler and me were sitting around my kitchen table, waiting for the party guests to arrive. While we were waiting, we decided to try to write a song. There were no ideas floating around, so I said: "Look guys, there's a cricket in my kitchen. Let's write about that!"
15 years later, and the song is finally finished.
Available on Apple Music

Hör' doch auf dein Herz
Gus Backus
Release date: April 22 2014
Track Listing:
Wünschst Du Nicht Du Wärst Ich (Duett Gus & Jeffrey; Original: Don't You Wish You Were Me) | Da Sprach Der Alte Häuptling Der Indianer | Hör' Doch Auf Dein Herz | Der Mann Im Mond | Sie Weiss Es Nicht | Brauner Bär Und Weisse Taube | Seit Sie Fort Ging | Bohnen In Die Ohr'n | Was Mir Von Damals Blieb (Duett Gus & Jeffrey; Original: Bits & Pieces) | Auf Meinem Weg Ins Nirgendwo | Sauerkraut Polka | Solang Du Bleiben Willst | Alte Liebe (Heidelore's Song) | Indianer Hit Medley
This CD was a challenge to me as a Songwriter. I had never written German lyrics before. Once I got started with it, though, it was not too different from writing in English.

Different Stages - Stage One
Release date: 2004
Track Listing:
Bits & Pieces | Don't Say Farewell | How Do You Let Someone Go | Don't You Wish You Were Me | The Cropduster | Has Anybody Seen Me Since She's Gone | Simple Easy Lovin' | I Ain't Your Milkin' Cow | When Your Love's Around | Cotton On My Shoulder | Defenders Of The Faith
Re-Release now available upon request

Nashville Point Of View
Release date: 2006
Track Listing:
Modern Day Bonnie & Clyde | I Believe In Love | Oceanfront Property | I'm Gonna Miss Her | Texas Tornado | Don't Take Her, She's All I Got | The Dance | Tequila Sunrise | Forever & Ever, Amen | I'm From The Country | Amazed | Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town
Re-Release now available

Dustin' Under The Influence
The Cropdusters
Release date: 1999
Track Listing:
The Cropduster | Cotton On My Shoulder | I Ain't Your Milkin' Cow | Don't You Wish You Were Me | Social Corruption | Daring To Believe | California Train | How Do You Let Someone Go | Bits & Pieces | When Your Love's Around | Don't Say Farewell | Has Anybody Seen Me Since She's Gone | Defenders Of The Faith | Simple Easy Lovin' | Through The Ride
These songs, and how they were performed, or written, are a major part of my life to this day! Opie and I (The Cropdusters, you guessed it) had the best times together, no matter how much or little we were dustin' under the influence! Ope, you da man!
Re-Release now available!