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Phil Vassar and Me

Autorenbild: Jeffrey BackusJeffrey Backus

Oh, what night!!

Phil Vassar was GREAT!!! And I am incredibly proud that I was able to kick the show off for him at the Four Corners Music Hall! Thank you Bill!

Phil is amazingly talented. One of the finest Songwriters - period! And what a voice! The whole package. Funny, witty, intelligent.

And he really surprised me, when he told me backstage, that he rememberes the first time we met in Nashville, That was 17 years ago! Well, Songwriters have a memory for details ;(

During my set I also asked Danah Heiser, one of the best European voices to join me on stage for "Whiskey Lullaby".The video is here

It is always such a treat to sing with her! Thank you for being such a good friend, as well!

Photos by Steffi Eisele can be found here

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